Tuesday, March 6, 2007


aha! i have finally become accessible in the world again. as of a few minutes ago, my internet was turned on in my new apartment and after getting my alien card sorted out this afternoon, i went straight to buy a cell phone ( 82-10-2203-0521 for international or 010-2203-0521 for local). life has been chaotic, and somewhat lonely, these past weeks with not having a phone or easy access to internet. i find it funny that i didn't mind not having any of those things while i was travelling but now that i'm back in korea i'm craving connection.
speaking of connection, while i was in japan last week on a visa run with lb, we made frequent trips to a gynormous electronics store to check out new toys and cop some free internet. to appease my guilt for doing so much email there, i picked up a headset and webcam for $25. those accessories will go very well with my new favourite chatting site 'skype' so for those of you that use skype also, send me your contact details or add me (jennavanderpark). see you online.

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