Friday, August 31, 2007

formerly known as a giraffe

here i am, one week after my return from north america and i'm still feeling out of sorts. monday was my first day back at school with a nice ease into the teaching mode by way of short 30-minute orientations for each class. with a promise for a full class next week when all the students return with textbooks in hand, we did some introductions and bade each other good bye.
i don't so much feel like writing at the moment but do feel like sharing some fun i've been having with the photo booth option on my mac. perhaps they will convey how i'm feeling these days.

this is how i must look to some people here by the way they stare at me

this is how i've been walking around since i returned to korea - with the blinders on

my 'edutainer' face, especially prominent during monday 9 am conversation classes

the face i'm actually making on the inside during the monday 9 am class

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm glad that hotness runs in the family...