Friday, January 5, 2007

egos and icons

i've received a lot of love and supportive emails recently in responce to my second last post. when my mother's message said i sounded depressed and sick, i was a little embarassed at revealing my emotions so openly. while i was writing that post, i was speaking directly from my head and heart, trying to sort some things out. i was also having a bad day.
after taking some time to ponder my my thoughts and feelings, i came to a few realizations. as i've stated previously, this trip was me seeking yogic education and guidance on my spiritual path. the time i spent in the teacher training course in c.m was everything i was seeking and fabulously rewarding. when i continued on to india, i somehow thought that just by being in this country, the birthing ground of yoga, i would magically and effortlessly be transported to enlightenment. after attending several yoga classes in mysore, it's apparent that yoga is a big money business and the passion of yoga is coming from the students who have travelled around the world to be here, not from the rich teachers. i've also found it difficult to go from one style of teaching to something completely contradictory and its created a feeling of unrest in me.
another big realization was the suffering my ego was creating in me. i had built this image of myself of what i would be like at this point in my life. i thought that after all the yogic teaching i had received, i would have been transformed into the perfect yoga goddess; effortlessly maintaining deep, calm breathing....while in a handstand..with 5% body fat. when my body began to break down and lose its strength, i felt angry and resentful towards myself for not living up to be as good as i thought i should be. what kind of yoga teacher was i going to be if i wasn't able to perform 'perfectasana'?
today while in the city circle waiting outside an atm booth, an elderly indian man asked me how i felt about india and how my spirit felt about india. i told him i was torn between love and frustration. when he pressed me for thoughts, i told him how a typical conversation will go with an indian person.

me: 'do the chillies come on the naan bread or are they on the side?'
indian: 'yes, madam.'
me: 'so they are on the bread?'
indian: 'thats right.'
me: 'do they come on the side?'
indian: 'you are correct, madam!'

this conversation can go on for hours but i usually give up and hope the best. whats been hardest for me to deal with is the disrespect from the indian men, unless i'm wearing my dollar signs halo. i've been poked, fondled and pushed out of a waiting line like i wasn't even there, which can all be excruciatingly frustrating. yet then something will happen that causes me to smile again, like the man in the bookstore today. i went to pick up a book i had ordered (rumi's poetry - amazing!) and found that i didn't have enough money to pay for the book and catch a rickshaw home. 'take the book and pay me when you when you come back', the shop owner said. he then invited me to take part in the families friday evening puja, allowed me to pass my hands through the flames for good luck and gave me a banana and a book on tantra. i was stunned. the contrasts of this vast country is what makes up the beauty around and i am blessed to be part of it.


Unknown said...

Hey Jenna!
it's me, from our beautiful yoga training in Chiang Mai, now back in the states!....i miss everyone SO much--all the good vibes and support and practice and's now my challenge to keep going with my practice without you and everyone there alongside me. there is some yoga here but you have to drive a distance, and to tell the truth, i have needed to really rest after such intensity in Thailand. been back for 2 weeks, and finally am getting my sleep and health back to normal...i have loved reading your blog....I can't believe that I didn't know you were a did I miss that???

Anyway, I can really relate to your fatigue...what we did in CM was really deep stuff...., but just take it easier, rest and allow it all to sink in, and your strength and enthusiasm will be there again.
I would love to go to India also, so I'm reading your blog closely...thought I would go up north into the mountains there and stay at an Ashram, for a total immersion in meditation and yoga. Were the air tickets fairly reasonable from Bangkok? Did you buy them in Thailand or previously in Korea...I've heard its cheaper if you buy in Bangkok.

And I also remember back in Chiang Mai that when I asked you about Korea, you said you absolutely loved it--you were on the East Coast? My dream to fulfill this year is to travel to India, and then go and live in Korea, teaching English....would you have time to email me on some of the specifics of your teaching experiences in Korea, any contacts or where you have been? Is there time in the year to travel and work also? The mountain photos there look beautiful....Korea has always beckoned me....Besides Hatha Yoga, I practice a Korean-style breathing meditation practice called Kouk Sun Do, my master teacher lives in Seoul and has opened a retreat center here in the mountains of Vermont. I have a Bachelors Degree in Biology, U.S. teaching certification and five years experience, but not ESL certification. Anyway, would love to hear from you, and will continue to keep up with your travel blog....stay happy and're awesome, and keep giving and receiving all the Joy and Beauty of your travels!!! Thanks for your writing! I feel like I'm still with you....

Peace and much love, Lizabeth

Unknown said...

ps.....forgot to give you my new


Unknown said...

hey hot stuff!

been reading too.

everything going as it should, it sounds.
frustration and agitation, happiness and amerlioration.
sounds like bliss.

remember that you'll look back and be greatful.

remember to breathe.
remember there are people that love you for all of your goddess qualities.

that you have a nice ass!
a great smile..those perfect teeth!!!
and especially, remember, I LOVE YOU.

and i will send all my yoga.goddess.goodness in your direction.

it seems i've found some, buried deep..and i've managed to figure out a magical way to send it thru the air.ways, by.ways, train.ways and stair.ways.

to you.

too, i've just farted and i send you the smell. like roses.

ahhh, like roses.

we all know you're fine.
and you SHOULD BE TIRED and FRUSTRATED and a million other things that might not include perfect.


you're moving energy in ways that you can't imagine. i can imagine them, but only because i'm

a ray of light and magic

but, its normal.

you'll feel up
you'll feel down

but don't NOT be agitated when strange men run you down in the streets.

don't NOT be thrilled when happy people share.

just be aware. (i didn't just say that)

all the subtle stuff, thats the yummy stuff.


i miss you.

when you going back to korea?
i'm thinking tokyo for a teacher training at the end of march.
but there are three days in btw that i DON'T want to be in tokyo. maybe i go see you in seoul. or maybe you come see me in tokYO.


Unknown said...

I love you and you perfect toosh too.

Been thinking about you. I'm still in cm. Sat and watched super climbers on wall at night bizarre few weeks ago. Maybe I'll do it before I go.

You take good care of yourself.

messy jessie