Wednesday, April 11, 2007


glancing at my side profile in the mirror, i notice my tummy has been looking more distended than usual. 'hmmmmm', i ponder, 'whats going on?'. could it be all the bread i've been consuming for the past few weeks? probably.
i don't what it is about bread that causes to me to turn to it whenever i'm feeling stressed or heavy-hearted. i've also noted that i experience intense bread-cravings after i teach a yoga class. eating bread, particularly toasted with butter, reminds me of my childhood when my mother would feed it to me whenever i wasn't feeling well or for sunday morning breakfasts. perhaps it's my body's way of reaching out for inner nuturance to replace all that i've given out after teaching.
in doing my best to give myself the highest level of sustenance i can, i'm making a trip into seoul this week-end to catch a few yoga classes, a pedicure and a trip to cosco. i've recently read about a yoga studio called jai yoga that will be hosting an anusara intensive retreat at the end of may and has classes throughout the week-end. i'm looking forward to being the student again to rejuvenate my spirit. i'm also hoping to pick up a inexpensive digital camera from cosco as i've been craving to take photos and get some new pics up on the blog. with the cherry blossoms in full bloom, there will be some pretty asian pics to come. perhaps that will take my mind of bread, too.

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